Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4th of July Safety Tips for your dog!

While we all look forward to the 4th of July with the parade, then the picnic and then on to watch the fireworks that evening, dogs can sometimes struggle a bit with your idea of fun and excitement.

Let's just say it this way~not all dogs are the same with the same behavior and the same temperament. Some dogs are very easy going and laid back while others are anxious and nervous. Not sure if the 4th of July is the time to see which category your dog falls in to. There are many alternatives you can choose to still include your dog in the activities, such as dressing him up in patriotic clothes or giving him precious little red, white and blue dog treats.

There are some 4th of July dog safety tips that all dog owners need to follow; whether or not you drag your dog to the fireworks shows or not:

1/ Think the fireworks display through when contemplating on taking your dog.
2/ If you leave your dog at home, make sure he is indoors in the evening time and in a quiet area. Many dogs become scared and anxious when the fireworks go off and terrify these dogs. Some dog's just do not like loud noises.
3/ Put on the radio or television when you leave your dog in the home to avoid hearing the BOOM of the fireworks.
4/ Think about getting your dog a special 4th of July dog treat or patriotic dog toy to keep him happy and busy while you are gone.

If you must leave your dog outdoors, please make sure the following steps are taken:

1/ Are you dog's id tags and collar tags up to date and on his collar, just in case he gets out of your yard?
2/ Secure your fence in the yard and make sure there isn't any area that your dog can escape.
3/ Make sure the dog bowl is filled with clean water, it is July and it is hot.

Everyone loves the 4th of July with the sparklers and the smell of the fireworks in the night, just remember our furry little friends might not love it so much.

For more tips of 4th of July Safety tips for your dog, visit the United States Human Society website. Many good ideas and suggestions are often found from your local Human Societies or visit your local Veterinarian for safety tips or concerns about your dog.

We dress our dog's up in the precious patriotic dog clothes and strut him around like he is Uncle Sam and that is fine as long we take into consideration that all the hype could stress out our dog. So, dress your dog up all you want and buy him the great patriotic dog toys and 4th of July dog treats, but please re-consider taking him to the fireworks shows.

Grab your flags and enjoy the 4th from
Doggie Couture Shop!

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